Ukulele Resources
The Posters...
But they're out of tune... again!?
The End Bit...
Got any more questions about "Green Crocs Eat Ants"?
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Please use the 'Contact' page to get in touch!

Green Crocs Eat Ants??
This simple, unique ukulele pedagogy began after watching "The Mighty Uke" on TV one rainy day, years ago. It was stunning... inspiring... addicting! Who knew a single instrument could create so much joy?
As a Music teacher, I could see the amazing potential for using the ukulele to teach not only chords and strumming patterns, but melody, music theory and performance... and the ideas kept coming! They still continue - every day I teach I'm challenged to make the ukulele a life-long musical companion for my students (whether children or adults), using simple, catchy tunes and memorable cues for learning musical language and techniques.
Here you can find out all about the "Green Crocs Eat Ants" program, and how you might implement it into your Music Classroom!
You can use the and buttons to return to the top of the page - and perhaps grab a cuppa first!
Some light reading first...
Have a browse of these documents to get an idea of the GCEA 'vision'...
Below are samples of songs which are integral to the GCEA pedagogy. They are designed to contribute to the singing, melodic, rhythmic, improvisational and compositional activities of a Classroom Music program!
They can be purchased individually or as a pack from the Music Shop.
(Click on the right of each track to see additional info and lyrics)
The Songs...
The Games...err... "Learning Activities"...
Either follow the suggested rules for these... tasks..., or make up your own - either way, these resources have proven to be a hit in the junior and senior classrooms!
(Click the images for instructions and/or samples, and purchase in the Music Shop)
Try these out as a visual aid around your room - some can be left on display, some can be used for specific teaching concepts...
(For purchase in the Music Shop)
How does this method fit into my existing Music classroom?
How much time each lesson does it take?
Improv Cards